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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Software Development Cycle

SC Creative Solutions will sit with you and analyze your project and how it relates to your business goals. We will collect data and documents from your organization related to how things are currently done at your office and how these problems can be improved

Quote & Approve
SC Creative Solutions will provide to you a quote to build your project with a detailed analysis of the functional points and time involved in building them

A picture is worth a thousand words — and providing you a mockup of the functionality of a new feature sometimes says volumes about the way the system is constructed.

Creating the code that powers the program

Stage & Test
We gives our clients the ability to see features and releases as we are creating them

When the new release has been tested and is on staging, we will then put the release into production for use by our clients and their customers.
At SC Creative, we believe IT consulting is all about assessing technologies from a myriad of options and selecting solutions which will best meet business objectives and ensure long term value. Our solutions help you organize business and technology strategies - cost effectively

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